rhyme ライム:韻

Year1 から poem (ポエム:詩) または poetry (ポエトゥリー:詩一般をさします) の勉強が始まります。まず、詩とはどんなものなのかを学習しますが、
・各行、必ず capital letter (キャピタルレター:大文字) で始まる
verse (ヴァース:連) または stanza (スタンザ:連) から成っている
rhyme (ライム:韻) を踏む
repetition (リピティション:繰り返し)が使用されることが多い
今日はこの中の rhyme (ライム:韻) について。
韻というのは mat, cat, satat
strong, wrong, tongong
might, bite でもO.K.です。

Ten Dancing Dinosaurs by John Foster
Ten dancing dinosaurs in a chorus line
One fell and split her skirt, then there were nine.
Nine dancing dinosaurs at a village fete
One was raffled as a prize, then there were eight.
Eight dancing dinosaurs on a pier in Devon
One fell overboard, then there were seven.
Seven dancing dinosaurs performing magic tricks
One did a vanishing act, then there were six.
Six dancing dinosaurs learning how to jive
One got twisted in a knot, then there were five.
Five dancing dinosaurs gyrating on the floor
One crashed through the floorboards, then there were four.
Four dancing dinosaurs waltzing in the sea
A mermaid kidnapped one, then there were three.
Three dancing dinosaurs head-banging in a zoo
One knocked himself out, then there were two.
Two dancing dinosaurs rocking round the sun
One collapsed from sunstroke, then there was one.
One dancing dinosaur climbed aboard a plane,
Flew off to Alaska and was never seen again.
John Foster website より

さぁ、いくつ rhyming words (ライミングワーズ:韻を踏んでいる単語) が見つかりましたか?



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